Indonesian National Nurses Association (INNA) is one of professional organization formed as a forum that functions as the unifier, builder, developer and supervisor for Indonesian Nurses. In performing its function as professional nurses developer, INNA has held some scientific activities like training of trainer, workshop, seminar and other in local, national and international level. One of scientific activities in international level is the International Conference of Indonesian National Nurses Association (ICINNA) that become a routine activity conducted by INNA.
Apart from that, INNA is a member of the International Council of Nurses (ICN), which is a professional organization for nurses at the world level. Involvement in ICN provides INNA with the opportunity to continue to develop its wings in collaboration with various countries, one of which is in the form of holding International Conference activities with the academic world, namely the World Academy of Nursing Science (WANS) in the form of trust to host WANS conference in 2024.
Based on this, INNA will carry out international conference activities, namely the 8th International Nursing Research Conference of the World Academy of Nursing Science (8th WANS) in conjuction with the 5th International Conference of Indonesian National Nurses Association (5th ICINNA).
For further information about INNA, please click here. For further information about WANS, please click here.