The 8Th WANS (World Academy of Nursing Science) & The 5Th ICINNA

  1. 1. Abstracts may have multiple authors; at least one author must register for and attend the conference.
  2. 2. The submitting author should input all author details and upload their abstract using the abstract template.
  3. 3. Participants can choose oral or poster presentation or both with a maximum of 2 abstracts
  4. 4. Participants can submit a maximum of 2 abstracts (as first author/co-author).
  5. 5. All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  6. 6. All abstracts will be double-blind reviewed for the quality of content.
  7. 7. All submitted abstracts should use a word count of 250 words or less (excluding title and key words).
  8. 8. Abstracts have these parts: purpose, method, result, and conclusion.
  9. 9. Accept abstracts that address the field of:
  10. a. Interprofessional Collaborations
  11. b. Innovations in Nursing Education
  12. c. Research Methodology
  13. d. Professional Issues
  14. e. Innovations in Practice
  15. f. Health Promotion / Disease Prevention
  16. g. Diversity and Health
  17. h. Nursing Coordination / Health Management
  18. i. Safety Management / Quality Improvement
  19. j. Heath Emergency / Disaster Nursing / Climate Change
  20. k. Theory Development
  21. l. Nursing Policy
  22. 10. Abstract should be sent by email to the following e-mail address: abstract@wans-icinna.org.

Download the Abstract Template.
Download Presentation and Poster Guidelines.
