Updated: August 20th, 2024

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Day 1: Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Topic Moderator
08.30-09.00 Registration Secretariat
09.00-09.05 Welcome Remark MC
Opening Ceremony
  • Traditional Dance
  • Indonesia Raya
  • Mars PPNI

Opening remarks
  1. The Chief of the 8th WANS Congress in Conjunction with The 5th ICINNA: Elsi Dwi Hapsari, S.Kp., M.S., D.S
  2. Chairperson of WANS: Tassana Boontong, Ed.D., D.NS. (Hon.,) Ph.D.(Hon.)
  3. President of INNA: Dr. Harif Fadhillah, S.Kp, S. H., M. Kep, M. Hum
  4. President of International Council of Nurses: Pamela F. Cipriano, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
  5. Governor Of West Nusa Tenggara*

Opening Prayer
Keynote speech (Chairperson of WANS): Tassana Boontong, Ed.D., D.NS. (Hon.,) Ph.D.(Hon.)
Challenges in the Future of Global Health Issues

Main Session 1 :

Trend in Nursing Education Research and Practice Post COVID-19 Pandemic

  1. President of the Indonesian Nursing Collegium:
    Prof. Dr. Nursalam, BSN., M.Nurs. (Hons.)

    Challenge in the Role of Nursing Collegium in Indonesian Health Care
  2. Associate Professor Lau Siew Tiang Lydia - National University of Singapore
    Adaptation of Education Through Innovation
  3. Prof. Gojiro Nakagami - the University of Tokyo, Japan
    Innovation in the Use of Information Technology in Teaching and Learning Methods

Q & A
Prof. Agung Waluyo
11.50-13.00 Lunch and Break  
Offline Online
Oral presentations
  • Room 1: Ballroom Prime 1
  • Room 2: Ballroom Prime 2-3
  • Room 3: Merese Meeting Room
  • Room 4: Malimbu Meeting Room
  • Room 5: Sempana Meeting Room

Poster presentation
  • Ballroom Prime 1-3
Poster presentation
15.30-15.45 Break  

Main Session 2:

Human Resources of Health Personel Issues

  1. Dr. Sigit Mulyono, S.Kp, MN - Central Board of INNA
    Managing Prima Village: Maintenance and Enhancement of Community Nurse Competency in the One Village One Nurse (OVON) Program
  2. Heeyoung Lee, Ph.D., PMHNP-BC, FAAN - Asian American/Pacific Islander Nurses Association (AAPINA)Beyond Mental Health: Cardiovascular Health Implications for People with Serious Mental Illness

Q & A
Dr. Jun-Yu Fan
16.45 Closing of day 1 conference  

Day 2: Thursday, August 22, 2024
Topic Moderator
08.30-09.00 Registration of day 2
Traditional Dance
Keynote speech (President of INNA):
Dr. Harif Fadhillah, S.Kp, S. H., M. Kep, M. Hum
Current Role of Indonesian Nursing Association on Health Policy Development
09.30-09.45 Break  

Main Session 3:

National Strategies for Global Health Issues

  1. Dr. Mei-Nan Liao - President of Taiwan Nurses Association
    Task Shifting and Task Sharing Implementation in Taiwan
  2. Dr. Masfuri, S.Kp, M.N. - Badan Penanggulangan Bencana,
    Central Board of the Indonesian National Nurses Association

    Climate Change and Disaster Mitigation in Indonesia

Q & A
Eni Nuraini Agustini, Ph.D
10.45-11.00 Break  
11.00-12.40 Parallel Session I
Offline (in Person) Online
Oral presentations
  • Room 1: Ballroom Prime 1
  • Room 2: Ballroom Prime 2-3
  • Room 3: Merese Meeting Room
  • Room 4: Malimbu Meeting Room

Poster presentation
  • Ballroom Prime 1-3
Oral presentations
Poster presentations
12.40-13.30 Lunch & Break  
13.30-15.15 Parallel Session II
Offline (in Person) Online
Oral presentations
  • Room 1: Ballroom Prime 1
  • Room 2: Ballroom Prime 2-3
  • Room 3: Merese Meeting Room
  • Room 4: Malimbu Meeting Room

Poster presentation
  • Ballroom Prime 1-3
Poster presentations
15.15-15.45 Break  
15.45-16.00 Announcement: Best Oral & Poster Presenter

Closing Ceremony:
  • Chairperson of WANS & President of INNA
  • Hymne PPNI
  • Scientific Committee
  • MC

*) under confirmation

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