Cooperation offers are aimed at educational/service institutions, industry, and nursing society. The details of the sponsorship packages are provided from package A to package G as follows:

Package A: Rp 10.000.000,-

  • a. The institutional profile is displayed on half page of the B5 size program book, full color
  • b. The institutional logo is displayed on the conference’s kit: bag
  • c. Free of charge for 1 conference participant

Package B: Rp 15.000.000,-

  • a. The institutional profile is displayed on full page of the B5 size program book, full color
  • b. The institutional logo is displayed on the conference’s kit: bag
  • c. Free of charge for 2 conference participant

Package C: Rp 15.000.000,-

  • a. Provided with facilities of 1 table and 2 chairs
  • b. Coffee break and lunch facilities for 2 stand guards during the conference
  • c. Places are provided by the committee based on the lottery results
  • d. The institutional logo is displayed on the conference’s kit: bag

Package D: Rp 20.000.000,-

  • a. Provided with facilities of 1 table and 2 chairs
  • b. Coffee break and lunch facilities for 2 stand guards during the conference
  • c. Places are provided by the committee based on the lottery results
  • d. Can install standing banners
  • e. The institutional logo is displayed on the conference’s kit: bag

Package E: Rp 30.000.000,-

  • a. Provided with facilities of 1 table and 2 chairs
  • b. Coffee break and lunch facilities for 2 stand guards during the conference
  • c. Places are provided by the committee based on the lottery results
  • d. Can install standing banners
  • e. Logo installed on the backdrop
  • f. The logo is installed in the program book full page size B5 program book, full color
  • g. The institutional logo is displayed on the conference’s kit: bag
  • h. Time is provided to present the product for 15 minutes

Package G: Specific for nursing society

  • a. The rights are based on the sponsorship package chosen (between package A to F)
  • b. Obligation:
  • - Recommend 1 member of the nursing society to serve as the reviewer of the conference (minimum have doctoral degree and a minimum Scopus h-index of 3)
  • - Send 3 abstracts for oral presentation with the costs borne by the nursing society


Contact person: Mrs. Nuniek Noorfiani +62-817-9999-895